0.43% (365.52)
0.54% (448.45)
0.57% (389.49)
-1.50% (-37.39)
-0.11% (-0.00)

Bitcoin is a digital currency unit that is not printed like others. You can check realtime bitcoin price here. See 0.04 Bitcoin price in other currency units.

Bitcoin-Pair 0.04 BTC = % Change High Low
0.04 BTC to JPY 540326.44 BTC Japanese Yen %-0.94
550,907.44 532,100.76
0.04 BTC to INR 296602.26 BTC Indian Rupee %-0.96
302,492.30 292,463.10
0.04 BTC to UAH 145489.05 BTC Ukrainian Hryvnia %-0.81
148,157.55 143,263.17
0.04 BTC to BRL 20233.20 BTC Brazilian Real %-0.93
20,629.38 19,947.89
0.04 BTC to RUB 337368.11 BTC Russian Ruble %-0.94
344,018.02 332,657.92
0.04 BTC to SAR 13201.07 BTC Saudi Riyal %-0.93
13,460.63 13,014.92
0.04 BTC to CZK 83710.79 BTC Czech Koruna %-0.69
85,172.15 82,337.36
0.04 BTC to AMD 1361439.16 BTC Armenian Dram %-0.93
1,388,096.81 1,342,241.14
0.04 BTC to ARS 3509372.69 BTC Argentine Peso %-0.93
3,578,171.79 3,459,837.55
0.04 BTC to BDT 420573.15 BTC Bangladeshi Taka %-0.82
428,299.32 414,150.48
0.04 BTC to ILS 13182.09 BTC Shekel %-0.93
13,439.48 12,998.63
0.04 BTC to COP 15325715.31 BTC Colombian Peso %-0.93
15,625,800.37 15,109,603.20
0.04 BTC to DZD 470328.45 BTC Algerian Dinar %-0.94
479,541.29 463,696.22
0.04 BTC to EGP 173051.02 BTC Egyptian Pound %-0.92
176,431.56 170,596.58
0.04 BTC to MYR 15557.65 BTC Malaysian Ringgit %-0.56
15,817.97 15,281.09
0.04 BTC to HKD 27335.28 BTC Hong Kong Dollar %-0.91
27,864.78 26,943.23
0.04 BTC to CNY 25407.49 BTC Chinese Yuan %-0.74
25,854.81 25,000.70
0.04 BTC to CUP 84465.39 BTC Cuban Peso %-0.81
86,016.42 83,174.87
0.04 BTC to KRW 4921509.79 BTC South Korean Won %-0.96
5,019,004.17 4,855,176.84
0.04 BTC to KHR 14286008.23 BTC Cambodian Riel %-0.80
14,546,868.30 14,066,313.57
0.04 BTC to JOD 2492.25 BTC Jordanian Dinar %-0.93
2,541.05 2,457.10
0.04 BTC to LBP 315164256.44 BTC Lebanese Pound %-0.81
320,946,502.54 310,344,058.28
0.04 BTC to SDG 2114068.71 BTC Sudanese Pound %-0.93
2,155,463.22 2,084,257.65
0.04 BTC to UYU 146913.19 BTC Uruguayan Peso %-0.82
149,612.80 144,670.35
0.04 BTC to LYD 17081.60 BTC Libyan Dinar %-0.81
17,394.93 16,820.29
0.04 BTC to ETH 1.05 BTC Ethereum %-0.72
1.08 1.03
0.04 BTC to TND 11010.03 BTC Tunisian Dinar %-0.82
11,212.35 10,841.95
Last Update (UTC): November 12, 2024 03:47

Bitcoin and other exchange rates are updated each second. Intraday rates start at 00.00 (UTC timezone) and finish at 23.59. The detailed prices are calculated in that interval.
Last Update of Bitcoin Rates (UTC): November 12, 2024 - 03:47

About Bitcoin

Is it Money?

Bitcoin is a digital currency that cannot be printed or seen visually. You can buy and sell it on Bitcoin markets. Bitcoin is a form of currency, but unlike traditional currencies such as the dollar, euro, or pound, it is not printed. Bitcoin is used electronically, and no single entity or individual has control over it. In short, Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency. You can monitor real-time Bitcoin prices at live bitcoin price.
It is a payment system based on digital currency.
Bitcoin Mechanism: Bitcoin operates using a new technology called blockchain. It works like a mobile app that allows you to send and receive data. Similarly, if you have a Bitcoin wallet, you can send and receive BTC. A digital wallet enables you to pay for services using your bitcoins. The Bitcoin network functions systematically, similar to banks. It shares a public ledger called the blockchain, which contains all completed transactions. This ledger allows a user's computer to verify the validity of a transaction. Each transaction is protected by digital signatures corresponding to the "Sender Address." The system ensures that a user can control their BTC wallet to send bitcoins from their wallet.

Bitcoin Owners:

No one controls the Bitcoin network. It is a technology similar to the cloud, emails, and apps. All Bitcoin users control the network worldwide.

Bitcoin Market:

Traditional financial markets are not open 24/7, but bitcoin markets operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The price of Bitcoin can change every second. You can exchange your bitcoins at any time, 24/7.
Please note that: Because prices can change every second, BTC and other cryptocurrency values can experience a sharp decline or soar to new heights within minutes.

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